Open-access (OA) literature is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. OA means that the literature is free and online available.

Betasciencepress Publishing (BSP) engages and invests in publishing research results in order to accelerate the pace of scientific discovery, encourage innovation and enrich education. Communication of research results is an essential component of the research process, and thus science can only advance by sharing the results available to scientists and the public.

Yet, too often, because of cost barriers or use restrictions, research results are not publicly available. OA publishing provides the opportunity to bring research results to a worldwide audience at a marginal cost. Moreover, OA allows us to reuse it in new, innovative ways.

How Does Open Access Work?

OA publishers consider the terms outlined by the Creative Common’s Attribution-Only license (CC-BY) to be the standard terms for Open Access.

Authors can choose to publish their research results in a growing number of journals that meet the full definition of OA. Articles are free to all interested readers, and the publishers place no financial or copyright barriers between the readers and the article. As with any other OA journal, BSP journals operate through processing and handling a fee paid by authors. The fee is utilized in meeting the maintenance charges of the respective BSP journal.

The model is pursued by BSP in order to present free articles for readers without subscription charges. The corresponding author will have to pay a one-time Article Processing Charges (APC). OA publishing is the fastest-growing segment within the scholarly publishing. As a result journal options are now available for nearly every area of research. A comprehensive list of high-quality Open Access journals is provided by the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

Author Rights

As an author, your OA articles can be accessed and used by the widest possible audience. Studies have demonstrated that OA articles receive more attention in the scientific community, consequently obtaining more citations. As an author publishing in OA journals, you always obtain the copyright to your own material.

Why Should society Care About Open Access?

Over the past decade, OA has become a central point of advancing the interests of researchers, scholars, students, businesses, and the public. The digital environment poses new challenges and provides new opportunities in the sharing, review, and publication of research results. Unlimited access to the knowledge presented in OA articles, and the reuse rights, they will play a key role in the further evolvement of the scholarly communication system.

Increasingly, public and private research institutions are implementing policies that require researchers to publish articles reporting research results generated from their funding in OA journals.

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